Continuous Delivery for IoT


The software industry has spent the last 10 years creating tools and frameworks to reduce the friction in the delivery process, like continuous integration and automated deployments. There should not any reason why projects that have hardware components cannot use the same tools. However, in practice, this process can be really costly and risky and it requires a mindset that hardware and embedded system developers are not used to. In this talk, I explain how to apply continuous delivery practices in projects that contain hardware and software components how to solve the most common challenges.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Maria Gomez

Head of Technology / CTO - Thoughtworks

Maria Gomez is the Head of Technology at ThoughtWorks in Barcelona. Over her ten years of industry experience, Maria has worked with many different technologies and domains, which has helped her lead teams and advise stakeholders in making the right technology decisions. She is also a speaker and an advocate for diversity and inclusion in the IT industry.

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