Modern processes and workflows orchestration in the current business scene.


With the growth of even bigger Javascript applications there are appearing new roles to be played for the developers. In years of experience I have notice that, in most of the companies they have problems with their automated processes and data treatment. ETL and BI operations with the applications data, scheduling a mailing campaign, etc. Sometimes these processes affects to the business of the company and in a 90% of the cases they are bad implemented. Will have a look to the different existing tools to help developer to automatize processes.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

José Antonio Ruiz Santiago

Project Manager - Coderty

@joseant_ruiz is a Backend developer and Project Manager with more than 10 years of experience. Loves to help other developer teams to reach their goals. Speaker and event organizer. He is also an amateur triathlete and a travel lover.

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