FONK - A Serverless Stack for Kubernetes


For many years you have used LAMP stacks for your web projects. Now serverless offers multiple benefits around optimization and cost, but maybe you are not sure how to use it. Probably you are even concerned about the lock-in when using public cloud managed offerings. FONK is an evolution of the LAMP idea, but focused on open-source serverless application architectures, with the goal of avoiding lock-in. This session will discuss FONK (F=FaaS, O=Object store, N=NoSQL, K=Kubernetes) concepts and demonstrate how they apply to example web applications. Demos will be held. Also awkward silences.

Language: Spanish

Level: Intermediate

Julio Gomez

Technologist - Cisco Systems

Julio Gómez is a Cisco veteran spending most of his life working on the technical side of Service Provider, Data Center and Cloud spaces. He is specially interested in Cloud native technologies and how they are shaping the future of our industry. CCIE and AWS Architect, he is deeply involved and really passionate about DevOps, Cloud native application development, microservices, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, and CI/CD. His experience spans across on-premises and public Cloud providers as well, including Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. He plays old guitars. Like, very old ones.

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