Bots with AI will take your job unless you are a bot developer (for now..)


Bots, Chatbots, Voice Assistants using AI are going to replace many of the repetitive, monotonous and absurd jobs that humans have been doing for a long time. The bots are prepared to be much more efficient in these types of inhuman jobs. Nobody wants to answer the same mail hundreds of times a day or be necessarily friendly with angry customers. We bot developers have been called to save the world and free up that time that humans waste to be more creative and collaborative.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Andres Pulgarin

CEO - Botslovers

Tech Entrepreneur, CEO and Founder of, company specialised in the creation of Virtual Assistants, Chatbots and Voicebots that use Artificial Intelligence to help companies to automate processes, improve customer care and reduce costs. Software Engineer with specialisation in Software for Networks and MBA from the Universidad Politécnica. Professor of the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) in New Technologies. Serial Entrepreneur with several technological Startups created within which are a job app (Talemtus), a talent hunting portal (Hoonter) or a Business Intelligence f

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